Two years ago Hans-Jürgen Drescher asked me to speak at the Future Conference of the Theaterakademie August Everding in Bavaria.

His idea: Give a 10-minute presentation of speculative thinking about composing music in 2040.

I found this idea very intriguing and immediately agreed to do it.

In my presentation I painted a futuristic scenario of an AI-enabled, collaborative composition, that was premiered in multiple versions globally, with remixes for different performative settings, available for licensing and further creative development via a decentralized copyright system.

The clue of the whole presentation: All technologies mentioned were already existing and in use by artists at the time of writing. As you know, the future is already here, it is just not evenly distributed.

The results of the conference are now available as a book (in German). Enjoy!

Composing Music in 2040

Two years ago Hans-Jürgen Drescher asked me to speak at the Future Conference of the Theaterakademie August Everding in Bavaria.