By now most people have heard of GPTs. In a way they are special instances of ChatGPT. You can tweak them to your liking. And they come in handy for special kind of jobs. One of these might be: Your teenage kid needs a bit of help with Latin (or any other kind of foreign language). Wouldn't it be nice to have a little tutor who gives them Latin sentences to translate (and correct them of course)? Here is what you can do:

  1. Go (you might have to login to ChatGPT first)
  2. Use this prompt: "You are a Latin tutor. You should give me an easy or slightly difficult sentence in Latin that I will translate into English. Correct my translation once I give it to you."
  3. Next, add some conversation startes, such has "Give me a simple sentence" and "Give me a slightly harder sentence"
  4. Click "create" and decide how others can access the GPT you just build. Done.

You can check out my version of the Latin tutor here. Enjoy!

Building a simple Latin AI Tutor with ChatGPT's GPT Function