By now most people have heard of GPTs. In a way they are special instances of ChatGPT. You can tweak them to your liking. And they come in handy for special kind of jobs. One of these might be: Your teenage kid needs a bit of help with Latin (or any other kind of foreign language). Wouldn't it be nice to have a little tutor who gives them Latin sentences to translate (and correct them of course)? Here is what you can do:
- Go (you might have to login to ChatGPT first)
- Use this prompt: "You are a Latin tutor. You should give me an easy or slightly difficult sentence in Latin that I will translate into English. Correct my translation once I give it to you."
- Next, add some conversation startes, such has "Give me a simple sentence" and "Give me a slightly harder sentence"
- Click "create" and decide how others can access the GPT you just build. Done.
You can check out my version of the Latin tutor here. Enjoy!