Could we be making more progress, faster? Are there wicked problems that, when defined and solved, are “unlocks” for humanity’s next steps?

Let’s find out!

Sonophilia Foundation, Ocean Protocol, Foresight Institute and Planetary Holdings announce The MapsMap Challenge. Funded with $30K, the bounty will be awarded for creating a mobile-friendly web app prototype to open source collaboration on maps of problems through crowdsourcing and crowdfunding (or $1K for constructive criticism on the idea).

MapsMap seeks an early collaborative tool and mapping protocol that enables communities to coordinate on their local problems, such as’s problem maps, or Foresight Institute’s tech trees, while others utilize it to incentivize desirable trajectories through the problem spaces, as described in Trent McConaghy’s Starships & Tokens, or Balaji Srinivasan’s Tech Tree.

The Big Picture

To accelerate problem-solving, the MapsMap app should reveal undervalued areas for progress, how they interrelate, and allow funding pathways through the space, thereby transforming problems into more manageable goals. What we want is to kick-off a new kind of collaborative and open infrastructure where people from diverse backgrounds can crowdsource problems and capabilities across domains, and collaborate on solutions.

When & Where

  • Applications start now, and will close on March 1st, 2022. 
  • The $30k prize winner will be announced on March 28th, 2022.
  • Community events along the way, first AMA on Dec 13, 2021. 

How to get connected


  • Allison Duettmann (Foresight Institute)
  • Andy Zmolek (
  • Amir Banifatemi (X Prize)
  • Eric Anderson (Planetary Holdings)
  • Trent McConaghy (Ocean Protocol)
  • Seda & Matthias Röder (Sonophilia Foundation)
  • Balaji Srinivasan (1729)

Announcing the MapsMap Challenge!

Could we be making more progress, faster? Are there wicked problems that, when defined and solved, are “unlocks” for humanity’s next steps?